Members Contact Form

    Welcome back to Encore | The Concert Band. We’re glad you’re here! Please complete the following contact information. This information is for the use of the executive and will not be distributed to anyone else unless you grant permission. (See Below)

    My contact information has not changed since last year. Please use what you have on file from last year.

    Updated Contact Information

    I grant permission to share my email and phone number with other members of the band.I grant permission to share my email address only with other members of the band.I grant permission to share my telephone number only with other members of the band.I wish my contact information to remain with the board of directors only.

    Please take a few moments to review the attached Encore summary of Duties and Responsibilities of Members. Your musicianship in the band is valued, but there is so much more to do to make the band and our concert series a success! If you are interested / able to assist with some small tasks in addition to playing, please indicate the kinds of things you would be interested in below:

    Publicity for ConcertsOngoing Social Media supportWebsite AssistanceFundraisingTake photos of sections or individualsOrganize Snacks for RefreshmentConcert Tear-DownOrganize VolunteersCreate slide show of band members to display on the screen before concerts

    If you have teenagers in your family who might like to volunteer to help on concert days, we’d be glad to hear about them! Please add their names / ages / school they attend here:

    Media Consent