
Encore… The Concert Band is a labour of love that survives thanks to the generous support of our wonderful community. Your donations are critical to the success of Encore, and help pay the costs for rehearsal space, new music, special guest performers, and so much more. Without your generosity, there would be no Encore!

Encore gratefully acknowledges the generous support of Good Foundation Inc:


And Encore thanks the following individual and corporate/organizational donors, whose support means so much to us:

Peter Ashmore & Joan Ellsworth Maureen Eyre Helen Onishi
William Allen & Gillian Channer Bill & Ann Fleming John Palmer
Wolfgang Beckmann Darryl Frederick Euisung Park & Naeemi Aweda
Gwyn & Carol Beynon Richard Harding & Suzanne Simpson Cathy Pasternak
 Douglas Bocking Eric & Linda Heidenheim Alex & Maxine Patzer
Mary Cauchi Pat Hewitt Paul & Lesley Pergau
Shawn Chabot Bill Horne Wayne & Joan Petrie
Mervyn & Valerie Cherry Dale Inder Christopher & Chantal Postings
Cathy Cleave Marion Jamieson Susan Retallack & Murray Love
Irene Cohen Ilona Janoschek Steven Richards
Charles Davis Mark Kearney Robert Riddell
Sylvia Davis Bob & Lynda Kennedy Cynthia Ryde
Marc & Jordana deBruyn Mary Ellen Klachan Ross & Carole Shuttleworth
Eric & Emma DeVooght Lissa Kuzych Jim & Susan Smythe
William & Grace Dodd Erik & Jodie Ladouceur Andrew Spriet
Ruth Drake Magdalena Lagerlund Sterner Family
Oscar Elias George & Gillian Laidlaw James & Beverly Thompson
Ron Elliott Ray Lumsden John Thompson
Hank & Emily Enns Bonnie-Heather McAuslan Michael & Lynne Tomlinson
Mark Enns Gary & Deb McCumber Alan & Judy Tuck
Mary Eisenhauer Barb McGill Hayley Walker
Nigel & Lori Evans David Mercer Stephanie & J.C. Warrington
Don Eyre Catherine Miller Edward & Lynn Williams
Kim Eyre Stewart & Denise Nelson Betty Anne Younker

Don Wright Faculty of Music                                                          

Lerners LLP                                                                                                     

London Community Foundation (Beryl Ivey Endowment for the Arts)

Please consider making a donation to Encore. As a charitable organization, all donations are tax refundable. Our Charitable Organization No. is 88567-7237-RR0001. Thank you so much!

If you are a member of a business or group and would like to discuss sponsorship opportunities for Encore, please contact us at encoretheconcertband@gmail.com.